Pregnancy and dental care - congratulations!

Congratulations on this exciting and busy time of your life! You have so much to think about during pregnancy but don't forget about your teeth and gums. At a time like this it easy to overlook your mouth, but with all the changing hormone levels that occur with pregnancy dental problems can be made much worse. It’s important to continue to see your dentist during pregnancy for oral examinations and professional teeth cleanings. 

Have you been given a bad case of morning sickness which seems to have carried on for most of your pregnancy all day every day?

Here are our top five ways to help maintain good oral hygiene:

Rinse with a fluoride mouthwash (if unable to brush at all)

Use a brush with a small brush head either an electric toothbrush or even a child’s toothbrush

Drink plenty of water especially after episodes of sickness

Eat a balanced diet. If you snack, do so in moderation.    

Bonus tip – don’t brush straight after being sick, this will wear away the enamel surface of your teeth

……… if your mouth is healthy, it’s more likely that your baby’s mouth will be healthy.